Financial Tracking Tool

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Financial Tracking Tool


Im not exaggerating by saying this document / habit has changed my life. It took some practice and trial and error to get it set up, but now that I’ve got it more dialed, I want to help you guys get a head start instead of figuring it out from scratch!

It will take a good few hours to get started, and a few reps to get it automatic… but once you’re dialed it’ll take you no more than 2 min per week, and 30 min per month. Thats nothingggg for how much value this will bring your finances and life.

A little history of the document; a few years ago I was deep in student loan debt making random amounts of money freelancing as an artist hoping it would all just “work out” one day. I finally realized that was naive and I wouldn’t meet any financial goals without taking the reins and getting serious about it. I developed a Numbers (apples version of excel) spreadsheet to keep track of everything. I’ve tired things and tweaked it throughout the years and its gotten easier and easier to manage. Im hoping that you guys can avoid the growing pains of building it, by just starting where I have it now.

This is a free download, with the sole intention of helping as many people as possible. If you find value in it please share it with whoever may find it useful and keep me in the loop on any success stories!

Heres a video walking through it, pardon the rambling:

Please post constructive criticism, ideas, etc here:

Don’t hesitate to reach out with questions!

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